Post 6: Time travel to the future


I would like to visit Chile in 2050, the reasoning behind this date its simple, it’s the date proposed for reaching the Carbon Neutrality, so I’m interested in seeing if that challenge was a success or not, not only in Chile but in the world, I would also like to know what happened in the years in between, something important had to happen in almost 30 years.

What would happen to society? You never know how fast it changes, 
what would happen to the world, maybe  new countries showed up, maybe some others will disappear, there will be wars? Or unexpected peace, what science advances will be made in those years?.

To be honest, I don’t think about the future too much, I like to think about the present and the imminent future, things in the far future just escape our hands as individuals.

 I have it clear, even if the future is a bright utopia I wouldn’t stay there, because I belong to this period, all the persons I love are here, my life just belongs here in general, even if I have to life through challenges and hardships I would stay, who knows, maybe things change only because of the time travel, the universe is random, we don’t know what wait for us, and I embrace that fact.


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